Our convictions and our commitments for the development of agriculture and territories

The development of agriculture and rural areas carries major stakes dealing with poverty alleviation, access to quality food, preservation of the environment and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals is essential and requires investments, expertise and commitment from stakeholders in the agricultural and rural sectors.

Ownership on development goals and actions by local and national actors (civil society, private sector and public sector) is key to success. To achieve this, technical expertise for development must integrate listening and negotiation skills into its methods and attitudes, and support the capacity building of stakeholders, including family farmers and their organizations.

ARTE-FACT : A listening expertise to shape innovative and co-constructed solutions

ARTE-FACT Development & Agri-Food Consulting Co., Ltd. was created in 2018 and builds on these beliefs, on the experience and commitment of its founder and on a network of partners to support agricultural development initiatives, agricultural value chains and management of territories.

We intervene in support to development projects and organizations, rural producers and their organizations or private sector actors.

We see ourselves as "development craftsmen", focusing on the quality of our services and on the development of appropriate and tailor-made solutions with the actors involved on the ground. We are practitioners and have a pragmatic approach, focused on achieving concrete results.

Our expertise and our services

ARTE-FACT Development & Agri-Food Consulting Co., Ltd. offers a wide range of expertise and services in support of development initiatives, including

Capacity building, support to organizations

Capacity building, support to organizations

Strategic analysis, diagnostics, feasibility studies

Strategic analysis, diagnostics, feasibility studies

Management of the implementation of projects

Management of the implementation of projects

Methodological support

Methodological support

Project monitoring and evaluations, impact assessments

Project monitoring and evaluations, impact assessments

Support for the development of sectoral policies and strategies

Support for the development of sectoral policies and strategies

Techno-economic studies, sector studies, specialized expertise

Techno-economic studies, sector studies, specialized expertise

Linking, facilitating the development of partnerships

Linking, facilitating the development of partnerships

Workshops, Seminars, trainings

Workshops, Seminars, trainings

Areas of intervention

ARTE-FACT Development & Agri-Food Consulting Co., Ltd. mainly intervenes in the sectors of agricultural development, agro-food chains and rural development in developing and emerging countries.

We provide advisory services in the following areas:

  • Support to farmers' organizations and inter-professional organizations;
  • Support for the development of agricultural value-chains and in particular the connection of smallholder farmers to quality and high-value markets;
  • Differentiation and valorization of products by developing quality labels and by the application of quality standards:
    • Protected Geographical Indications,
    • Organic Farming,
    • Collective Trademarks / Certification marks,
    • Other sustainable agriculture standards …
  • Sustainable farming systems (crops and livestock);
  • Management of irrigation schemes;
  • Rural development and territorial development;
  • Climate Change Adaptation and management of climate risks;
  • Agricultural policies, rural development policies;
  • Food security;
  • Credit and financing of the agricultural sector.

Our on-going or recent projects

Final external evaluation of the ICARE project (Towards a Responsible Rubber Industry in Southeast Asia) (Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand)

Final external evaluation of the ICARE project (Towards a Responsible Rubber Industry in Southeast Asia) (Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand)

WWF-France, in partnership with the WWF country offices in Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand, has initiated and implemented the ICARE project from 2021 to 2024, financed by AFD (Agence Française de Développement). Building on prior initiatives of the WWF network aiming at mainstreaming sustainable practices in the natural rubber industry, ICARE project has 1) supported Multi-Stakeholder Platforms in the three countries to promote sustainable practices in the rubber sector, 2) Supported producer groups, cooperatives and SMEs to promote good production practices and operationalize a viable sustainable industry, and 3) contributed to the development of forest / landscape restoration in rubber production zones.

ARTE-FACT Development and Agri-Food Consulting Co., Ltd. and IRAM have been commissioned to implement the final evaluation of the project, assessing the relevance, performances and results and facilitating a collective workshop with WWF teams to draw lessons and recommendations.

Mid-Term Review of Uni4Coop’s PArTNER project (Cambodia)

Mid-Term Review of Uni4Coop’s PArTNER project (Cambodia)

The NGOs Louvain Coopération and Eclosio (grouped within “Uni4Coop”) are implementing the PArTNER project in Cambodia (2022-2026). The project aims to promote the agroecological transition, in particular through farmer-to-farmer training, support for Agricultural Cooperatives and Unions of Agricultural Cooperatives in the provinces of Battambang, Kampong Thom and Takeo, and market valorization of agroecological products. The project also supports the ALISEA network at national level, and involves numerous national partners (NGOs, research organizations and universities).

Uni4Coop and its national partners initiated a mid-term evaluation process of the project in which ARTE-FACT was mobilized to provide external expertise and facilitate a review process by the project stakeholders. ARTE-FACT has notably provided methodological support, has contributed to the analysis of the information collected and co-organized a workshop with the project partners and stakeholders to collectively develop conclusions and recommendations.

Evaluation of the APICI project in Siem Reap (Cambodia)

Evaluation of the APICI project in Siem Reap (Cambodia)

GRET and its local partners have been implementing the APICI (Semi-Intensive Low inputs Agricultural) project in Siem Reap since 2009, with several successive phases, financed notably by the Department of Hauts-de-Seine. The project encourages farmers to develop more sustainable and healthier agricultural practices. It supports several cooperatives or groups of producers, particularly for the development of marketing activities, and collaborates with the Department of Commerce in the establishment of the “Sovathapheap Siem Reap” label as a guarantee of quality and local origin of the products. More recently, a reflection on territorial food systems has been initiated with the province of Siem Reap.

IRAM and ARTE-FACT were commissioned by GRET and F3E to conduct an evaluation of the project and formulate strategic and operational recommendations for the next phase. ARTE-FACT notably provided elements of context and analysis of institutional aspects and contributed to the reflection on the territorial approach and on commercial differentiation strategies for quality local products.

Strategic support for the development of quality labels for the promotion of energy efficiency in Mongolia and Tajikistan

Strategic support for the development of quality labels for the promotion of energy efficiency in Mongolia and Tajikistan

Geres operates in Central Asia notably to improve the energy efficiency of housing. In Mongolia, a system to develop a quality offer for the insulation of housing on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar has been set up, integrating the training and monitoring of craftsmen, their connection with clients through a dedicated platform, and possible access to subsidized loans. In Tajikistan, the project focuses on the construction of energy-efficient houses in 8 rural districts of the country.

ARTE-FACT was commissioned by Geres to contribute to the strategic reflection on the implementation of labels to consolidate a quality offer in the construction or housing insulation sector. A first mission to Mongolia made it possible to improve Geres teams' and its national partners’ understanding of the notion of quality label, to identify its relevance and to define its exact purpose. A roadmap has been sketched out to build the label's governance and economic model and consolidate its technical bases. Support for the teams continues periodically remotely and will be the subject of a mission to Tajikistan in 2023.

Final Evaluation of Agrisud’s IADA-2 project (Cambodge)

Final Evaluation of Agrisud’s IADA-2 project (Cambodge)

Agrisud International and its partners Srer Khmer and Archeology & Development Foundation are implementing the “IADA” project (Agro-ecological intensification and diversification of family farming) in Siem Reap province.

In 2022, ARTE-FACT was selected to conduct the final evaluation of the Phase 2 of IADA project. The evaluation was carried out by involving the project team and the various actors concerned by the activities. On this basis, operational recommendations were elaborated to contribute to the preparation of Phase 3. They are covering the various aspects of the project: technical support for producers, strengthening of farmers' organizations involved in the processing of products (dried spices, essential oils, etc.) and of the association “Green Farmers Siem Reap” which manages marketing. Suggestions were also made to consolidate the participatory planning mechanism initiated during phase 2 with the communes, aiming at support a model of sustainable agricultural development.

Study on services to irrigating farmers

Study on services to irrigating farmers

COSTEA (Scientific and Technical Committee for Agricultural Water) entrusted IRAM, ARTE-FACT and BICHE with a study on services to irrigating farmers, covering two case studies, in Tunisia and Cambodia.

ARTE-FACT is in charge of implementing the study in Cambodia. After consultation with the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the choice of the study site focused on Stung Chinit irrigation scheme (in Kampong Thom province) and on the rice cropping which prevails in the area. The study has described the site and the irrigation service as well as the practices of the farmers. It has developed a typology of farms and a mapping of services to farmers, covering a fairly broad spectrum: irrigation service, agricultural extension and technical advisory services, inputs supply, credit, mechanization services, connection to the market, etc.

A review of the history Stung Chinit scheme identifies the drivers of rice intensification in the area. The study also identifies the strengths and weaknesses of services to agriculture and highlights the risks that could threaten the sustainability of the production systems.

A reflection is being carried out with local actors (both public and private) on ways to improve services to farmers to take these constraints into account.

Pre-feasibility of RAD4CAM program (Cambodia)

Pre-feasibility of RAD4CAM program (Cambodia)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the French Development Agency (AFD) have entered into the preparation of RAD4CAM program (Rainfed Agriculture Technology Development Program for Cambodia – Noting that the name of the program could possibly change). The program intends to improve agricultural productivity and economic development in rainfed agricultural areas. It will notably develop technical and financial services to support natural rubber production and sector organization. It will also provide support to producers and cooperatives to encourage agro-ecological practices, particularly for annual animal-feed crops such as corn. The French Development Agency (AFD) contemplates the financing of this program through a loan of 50 million Euros, which might be completed by a matching grant from the EU.

ARTE-FACT has been entrusted by MAFF to implement the pre-feasibility study of RAD4CAM program, including notably: 1) The assessment of pre-selected value chains, on-going projects and background policies; 2) The development of RAD4CAM project concept note (scope, objectives, approach, activities, project structure); and 3) The development of the Terms of Reference for the full feasibility study.

Regional project for the promotion and recognition of Geographical Indications in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar

Regional project for the promotion and recognition of Geographical Indications in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar

Since January 2020, a consortium made up of GRET, ARTE-FACT, CIRAD, IRAM, Certipaq and REDD ensures the implementation of the regional project for the promotion and recognition of Geographical Indications in Cambodia, in Laos and in Myanmar. The project is funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) for a period of 3 years. ARTE-FACT is in charge of the regional coordination of the project and of part of the technical support. In each of the three countries, the consortium works in coordination with the intellectual property departments, responsible for the registration and supervision of GIs. GI management associations (existing or to be created) are the other key stakeholders that the project supports in order to strengthen their capacities for effective management of the selected geographical indications. The project works primarily on Khao Kai Noi rice in Laos (in the provinces of Xiengkhouang and Huaphan) and Pawsan rice in Shwebo in Myanmar. In Cambodia, Kampot and Kep salt is envisaged as a new GI to accompany, and support will be given to GIs already registered such as Kampong Speu palm sugar and Kampot pepper). Furthermore, at the regional level, the project aims to strengthen the sharing of experiences and collaboration between the three countries.

Evaluation of the "Sala Baï" Hotel School in Siem Reap (Cambodia)

Evaluation of the "Sala Baï" Hotel School in Siem Reap (Cambodia)

“Agir pour le Cambodge” created the hotel vocational school "Sala Baï" in 2002 to provide young Cambodians from disadvantaged backgrounds with a rapid and sustainable professional integration in the tourism sector, rapidly expanding in the province of Siem Reap in Cambodia. Since its creation, Sala Baï has trained 1,600 young people.

IRAM and ARTE-FACT are mobilized to evaluate this vocational training program. The evaluation focuses in particular on the criteria of relevance and effectiveness. The system for recruiting and selecting students (aimed at targeting young people from the most vulnerable families) and the conditions for access to training are discussed with the client. The adequacy of the training to the evolution of the hospitality and tourism sector is also one of the axes of this evaluation. The effectiveness of the program is analyzed with regard to the objective of the professional integration of young people and its social impact.

Support the development of a commercial and technical partnership between the Guérande cooperative and salt producers of Kampot and Kep (Cambodia)

Support the development of a commercial and technical partnership between the Guérande cooperative and salt producers of Kampot and Kep (Cambodia)

The cooperative "Les salines de Guérande" (France) and the association “Univers-Sel” are considering the development of a collaboration with the salt producers of Kampot and Kep. This foreseen partnership includes a commercial component with the purchase of Cambodian salt by the cooperative and its marketing in France in a fair-trade spirit under the brand "Paludiers du Monde", and a technical cooperation dimension supported by Univers-Sel. 

In association with IRAM, ARTE-FACT provides technical advice and a facilitation role in the preparation of this partnership. ARTE-FACT and IRAM are in charge of collecting information to update the situation of the Cambodian salt sector and to prepare and accompany the mission of a delegation from the Guérande Cooperative and Univers-Sel in Cambodia.

Drawing lessons from GERES’s SEFED project on cooking energy sector (Cambodia)

Drawing lessons from GERES’s SEFED project on cooking energy sector (Cambodia)

The Group for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity (GERES) has been active in the cooking energy sector in Cambodia and Southeast Asia for the past 20 years.

From 2016, with the support of the AFD and other international funds, GERES has implemented the SEFED project (Support the Emergence of Sustainable Supply chains in the Energy Domestic Sector), with notably: 1) a focus on the consolidation of an inter-professional organization of Improved Cook Stoves producers and retailers, aiming at maintaining the quality of improved stoves through a market differentiation and label system; 2) the development of a value chain for renewable wood charcoal production, setting up business relations between Forest Communities, Charcoal producers and distributors through an innovative platform ensuring fluidity and traceability.

ARTE-FACT has been contracted to review those activities and achievements, capitalize on these experiences and draw lessons for future interventions. Strategic approaches, NGO roles and exit strategy, support to private sector and economic development in biomass energy value chains are among the key questions of this review.

Mid-term evaluation of NRSC project, implemented by GRET and TGH in Myanmar

Mid-term evaluation of NRSC project, implemented by GRET and TGH in Myanmar

Mid-term evaluation of GRET’s and TGH ‘s NRSC project in North Rakhine and South Chin, Myanmar. The project, financed by the EU, is providing support to rural households’ livelihoods through activities in the fields of agriculture, natural resources management, but also water and sanitation, disaster risk reduction and peace building. In Kyauktaw and Paletwa townships, the implementation of the project is facing considerable challenges due to conflict situations which leads to severe restriction of GRET access to target villages. In Matupi township (Chin State), a support is provided to the diversification of agricultural crops (with notably a boom of production of the Elephant Foot Yam), contributing to a transition from shifting cultivation to permanent agro-forestry systems. The mid-term evaluation provides a review of project implementation progresses and performances, with a focus on the adaptation of project’s implementation strategy to the constraints of the context.

Rapid end-line evaluation of Agrisud International's IADA project (Cambodia)

Rapid end-line evaluation of Agrisud International's IADA project (Cambodia)

From 2016 to 2019, Agrisud International has been implementing a project in support to agro-ecological intensification and agricultural diversification for smallholder farmers in the peri-urban area of Siem Reap province, Cambodia. The project has supported more than 1,500 farmers for the production of vegetables, fruits and rice and for the improvement of their connection to Siem Reap market. "Green Farmers Siem Reap", an organization gathering producers, has been established to support this market connection as well as processing of part of the products (dried spices, lemongrass essential oil production...). Activities are also implemented to improve nutrition of rural households in link with agriculture production. ARTE-FACT has been entrusted by Agrisud International to undertake a rapid end-line evaluation of this project.

Support to the structuring of a project for the development of financial inclusion in the Philippines

Support to the structuring of a project for the development of financial inclusion in the Philippines

In preparation of foreseen project of the AFD (French Development Agency) in support to financial inclusion in the Philippines, ARTE-FACT has provided a short term expertise to design the Technical Assistance requirements for the project and to identify expected results and impacts and the way they will be monitored.  

Feasibility study for the second phase of "ACTAE" project (now "ASSET")

Feasibility study for the second phase of "ACTAE" project (now "ASSET")

In partnership with IRAM: implementation of the feasibility study of the second phase of ACTAE regional project, in support to Agroecological Transitions in South East Asia. The project is financed by AFD (French Development Agency) and is implemented in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. This project has notably supported the creation of the "ALISEA" network (ali-sea.org).

This project has became the "ASSET" project ( Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions in South-East Asia ) and its implementation has started in 2020.

Farmer & Water Net: Support to the creation and implementation of FWUC Support Fund

Farmer & Water Net: Support to the creation and implementation of FWUC Support Fund

Support mission to the "Farmer & Water Net", a network of Cambodian "Farmer Water User Communities (FWUC)", to set up and ensure the effective management of a "FWUC Support Funds", as part of a project financed by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD). ARTE-FACT has provided support to the Steering Committee of FWN in order to develop guidelines for funds allocation and procedures for funds management, reporting and monitoring.

Our Partners



ARTE-FACT is a regular partner of IRAM (Institut de Recherche et d’Application des Méthodes de Développement / Institute for Research and Application of Development Methods, France)


Contact Us

ARTE-FACT Development & Agri-Food Consulting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia